Your alarm clock beeps at 6:00 AM, telling you to get ready for school.
[[Press snooze|Snooze]]
[[Turn the alarm off and get out of bed|wake]]You close your eyes for just a few minutes until there's another beep.
It's been 10 minutes.
[[Snooze again|snooze2]]
[[Wake up and get ready|wake]]You go downstairs and grab an apple for breakfast. You make your lunch and get to school.
[[Sit on bench and talk to friends|bench]]
[[Head straight to the testing room for PSAT|psat]]After a while, you hear a knock at the door. It's your mom telling you to get out of bed.
[[Get out of bed|wake]]
[[Ignore your mom|ignore]]You ignore your mom and you go back to sleep. By the time you wake up, it is 2:30 PM. You missed your PSAT but you don't really care. You still have your marching band practice at 3. You need to leave now or you'll be late.
[[Go to marching band practice|practice]]
[[Stay home|home]]Practice is long and hard. But it doesn't matter. It's the same as always.
[[You walk home alone, carrying heavy thoughts.|walkhome]]You stay home, and in the end, stay safe.
[You have reached Ending 1. However, this is not the true ending. [[Restart?|Start]]]You sit on the bench and wait silently until friends arrive. When they finally do, you talk to them about the testing that's to come.
"I hate how I have marching band practice after this," you say.
"Oh sorry about that. At least we get to leave school early, right?" your friend replies.
"I guess so..."
The bell rings so you [[head to the testing room|psat]]You sit in your assigned seat in the unfamiliar classroom. Judging from the posters and the stuff on the counters, it's a chemistry or maybe a biology class.
You recognize the kid next to you. Andrew, a clarinet player.
[[Talk to Andrew|andrew]]
[[Sit quietly|sit]]"Are you ready for this?" you ask.
"Sure," he replies, sarcastically.
"I'm just bummed that we go home and come back for practice this afternoon."
"Eh, I'm sure it'll be fine."
The teacher signals that the testing is going to begin, so you [[stop talking|test]]You sit quietly until the teacher signals that it is time to [[begin.|test]]You go through the test. Easy enough.
Now that the test is done, you can [[go home|gohome]] or [[stay in the bandroom until practice.|bandroom]]You walk home and take some time off for yourself until practice starts. Lunch was great but you're tired that you don't want to go back up to the school for practice.
[[Go anyways|practice]]
[[Stay home|home]]
You sit in the corner of the bandroom and do some homework while waiting until it is time for practice. You can hear Andrew talking to other clarinet players. You see your friends talking to each other as you sit quietly all alone.
[[Play piano until practice|piano]]
[[Sit in the corner until practice|practice]]You play some of your favorite songs. Some are fast and exciting while others are slow and solemn. Either way, by the time you play all of those songs, it is time to [[go to practice.|practice]]It's almost 7PM when you get home. You're not hungry. You're tired but you have so much homework to do.
[[Go do homework.|homework]]Stress gets to you. You talk it out with your significant other for a while until a thought pops into your head.
[[Continue doing homework.|homework2]]
[[Stop homework and go sleep.|sleep]]
[[Grab the bottle of Tylenol.|Grab]]You continue for a while. It is now 11 PM and you can feel yourself fading. You still feel that awful feeling in your stomach. You look at the bottle of Tylenol again.
[[Go to bed|bed]]
[[Grab the bottle|Grab]]You fall asleep in a few minutes and in the end, stay safe.
[You have reached Ending 2. However, this is not the true ending. [[Restart?|Start]]]You grab the bottle of pills.
"I'm in too much pain." You tell your significant other.
"Take some medicine," they reply.
"Okay," you text back as you open the bottle.
[[Pick 1 pill and swallow it|one]]
[[Grab a handful and chug it all down|od]]You finally succumb to your urges and lay yourself in the bed, getting comfortable.
Eventually you [[fall asleep.|sleep]]Your pain goes away and you eventually get so tired that there is nothing to do BUT sleep.
[[Go to bed.|bed]]You swallow 7 pills when you start feeling sick to your stomach.
Your significant other is freaking out, and you are crying as well.
[[Stop here|morning]]
[[Swallow more|more]]You lie down, hoping that the sickness will go away. In the end, you fall asleep, waking up the next morning.
[[Talk to parents|talk]]
[[Stay in bed|staybed]]
You eventually finish the entire bottle of Tylenol, but you feel like you are about to puke. From exhaustion, you crash at the computer desk at which you were doing homework.
However, you wake up the next morning [[feeling sick.|sick]]From all the guilt, you confess to your parents that you overdosed on medication. They take you to the emergency room, and in the end, you are admitted into a psychiatric hospital.
[[Go willingly|willing]]
[[Refuse to go|dontgo]]
You feel slightly sick but you decide to ignore it.
[[Take a chance|sick]]
[[Take a chance|okay]]You and your mom complete the paperwork and you stay at the psychiatric hospital for a week, stepping closer towards recovery each day.
[You have reached Ending 5. This is more or less what happened to me. [[Restart?|Start]]]Even though you refuse to go, the medical clinicians take your actions from last night as an attempt at suicide. By law, they are required to take you to the hospital.
[[You had no choice from the beginning. It was either the easy way or the hard way, but in the end, you end up at the psychiatric hospital.|willing]]You feel a sharp pain in your lower abdomen. You ignore it as a simple cramp, but it was far worse than that.
Several weeks later, you were carried into the emergency room for liver failure. You waited for a transplant, but eventually died.
[You have reached Ending 3. However, this is not the true ending. [[Restart?|Start]]]You took a chance and went to school. You go through the day as normal and come home. Hopefully, tonight will be a better night.
[You have reached Ending 4. However, this is not the true ending. [[Restart?|Start]]]